
England's Lane Residence, London, NW3

London - M25


£26,000,000 +

Tenure: Freehold
Tenancy: Single Let

Investment summary

• Stunning six storey Georgian property in a prominent corner position.

• Located in one of London’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, juxtaposed between Hampstead, Belsize Park and Primrose Hill, a short distance from Central London.

• Situated at the corner of England’s Lane, Haverstock Hill and Antrim Road, in direct proximity to Belsize Park’s shopping and leisure amenities and Underground Station.

• Surrounded by some of Belsize Park’s most sought after residential roads.

• Former nurses accommodation currently used to provide 162 fully self contained studio units.

• Total accommodation of 5,422.4 sq m (58,366 sq ft) GIA.

• Studio units range from 15.5 sq m (167 sq ft) to 29.5 sq m (318 sq ft).

• Rolling refurbishment works are being undertaken by the tenant at a substantial cost.

• Let to the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Camden without security of tenure on a 10 year lease expiring March 2014.

• Current rent passing of £1,891,380 per annum subject to annual unfettered RPI inked increases, with the final review in March 2013.

• Freehold interest.

• Seeking offers in excess of £26 million reflecting the following attractive profile:

• Net Initial Yield: 6.88%
• Capital Value Per Unit: £160,500
• Capital Value Per Sq Ft: £445

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Contact us for further information
Telephone: +4420 7323 1010
Facsimile: +4420 7323 6600

91 Wimpole Street

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